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Videos 4 Music Blog

The latest tips, tricks and news from the Music Video world.

Music videos, what's changed?


Has the internet changed the way we consume music videos?

Yes definitely. We now have ‘on demand’ videos thanks to Youtube whereas before we had to wait for MTV to play the video we liked. There is an overwhelming wealth and breadth of videos to consume thanks to the internet, but whether that means we pay as much attention to music videos as we did back in the day, when you knew Madonna’s new video would be played at 8pm on Friday and everyone tuned in… I don’t know. It’s perhaps all more throwaway now, but that applies to alot of things we can consume online these days.


Is the change good or bad?

I suppose a bit of both. I miss the ‘event’ that a new video could be, but that’s also because releasing music has been democratised, so I’m generally overwhelmed by the amount of new artists there are to discover, let alone watching all their videos.


Do you think YouTube has helped or hindered music videos? 

Both. It’s a pleasure to be able to tune into your favourite video when you want, but I’m worried about the notion that on the internet you can get whatever you want for free whenever you want. As the music industry lose money due to this phenonmenon, they spend less and less on videos which reduces quality and opportunity, and means talent gets quickly frustrated (and broke) in the video arena and moves quickly onto tv drama, commercials, and all those other areas that are a bit less fun and creative. It is slowly but surely creating a talent drain, and videos will be less ambitious, have less scope. I don’t see it as remaining a breeding ground for the new Gondrys, Cunninghams, Jonzes, who then go onto make fantastic films on the back of learning their craft in videos.


Has the change in the music industry affected Music Video budgets?

In a terrible way, sadly. The epic music video is a thing of the past and it makes me sad. Telephone and Born Free – these music video ‘events’ are rare exceptions that will only come out from the dwindling number of very rich artists. And labels spending less on videos mean you can only get them made by using alot of favours (aka exploiting people’s goodwill) rather than actually paying for them. Why should people work consistently for bands or record companies for free? When labels say to me ‘We really want a really glossy pop video but we can only spend £5k’, it’s like me saying ‘I really want a 3 bedroom house in Chelsea but I only have £50k’. That side of it is pretty demoralising.



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